Dr. Krantikumar D MPT (Neuro Physiotherapy) (Principal)
Physical wellness plays a pivotal role in the health and well-being of the people, it goes on to enrich their livelihood. It is not enough to state it as a method of alternative healthcare, as it also goes to provide a preventive method that is beyond the curing of the patients. I appreciete the efforts of our highly trained faculties and experts who tirelessely work towards providing our students with the most engaging practical training experience. Our state of the art facilities and academic resources also go on to ensure that every single one of our students, gets to have a feel of the healthcare system during the course of their academics. Based on the progressive advancements, the Faculty has moulded itself time and again to be in sync with the latest needs, while at the same time holding its core values of compassion, integrity and hospitality to provide an overall development in the students. So I once again welcome you to the Faculty of Physiotherapy..