Dear Friends, Physiotherapy is a health care field which is not only life-saving, but also contributes to a person’s mental, emotional, physical and social well-being. The Faculty of Physiotherapy is dedicated towards, providing students with the effective skillsets and competencies which are required to develop and shape the physiological knowledge through human anatomy. As a faculty we are committed towards providing insightful knowledge which edifies the physical health and welfare of the patients. The students are taught the practical aspects of healing through the knowledge of various exersises and therapeutic methods which result in the well-being of the patients. As a way of developing the practical skills and knowledge of the students, the faculty is equipped with a multi specialty teaching hospital which serves the purpose of imparting within the students the revelent practical skills and knowledge. Our curriculum also makes the students effectively analyse different cases and simultaneously learn different approaches which can applied. So, take the first step towards a vibrant journey in Physiotherapy.